Forgiveness is Key

fountain penLast week, I talked about what happened at a writer’s conference. You can check out my post HERE.

Some of you let me know by comment or email that you think I should “demand” or at least “ask for” an apology from conference organizers. But I’m not going to. Here’s why.

Sure, I could email those I think are responsible and tell them what happened and how it hurt me. I’m sure they would apologize. However, I think that’s the low road for me. My faith is in Christ. It didn’t surprise Him that this happened. I believe it was a test for me – to see how I would respond. I can respond really well in public, but by myself, I don’t do as well. I let it all hang out with God…my anger, my hurt, and my disappointment.

Recently, our pastor talked about being honest with God, and not trying to hide anything. I couldn’t if I tried. I’m an emotional woman, and learning to control them has been my challenge most of my life. As I matured, I think I’ve improved. I don’t try to hide anything from God. Sometimes, I might hide my true feelings from myself, but not for long usually.

SorryBut to demand or ask for an apology just because I was hurt – doesn’t sit well with me. I try to be a “quick forgiver.” Someone hurts me, I might avoid them or the situation for awhile, hide, if you will, but I don’t hold the grudge. The pain may linger, but I always choose to forgive. I was taught that as a girl, and I continue to do so today.

Because I’ve learned that forgiveness is key. Jesus said a few things I want to share. In Matthew 7, He says not judge. That usually means to hold a grudge. Jesus also says, when asked how many times we should forgive, seventy times seven. And that’s in one day.

Another saying, unless we forgive men their trespasses, our heavenly Father cannot forgive ours. Ultimately, this is the important thing. The only “judgment” I give these people is the benefit of the doubt. I don’t hold their mistake against them, because I don’t want my mistakes held against me – and believe me, I’ve made plenty.

It’s ultimately the responsibility of each of us to live at peace inasmuch as it is possible for us individually. I know the conference organizers didn’t mean to hurt or mislead me. It’s just one of those things. My choice in the matter has always been how I would respond.

I’m taking the high road, and I believe it’s what Christ would want me to do. How about you? What do you think I should do? Forgive and forget – or ask for an apology? What would you do? Think about it. Leave a comment and let me know.

And thanks for reading. This week, I will have three posts, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but after this week, probably just twice a week. One post will be about writing, the other about faith. Those of you who read from other countries, I’ll keep up my writing resources tips for you. For those of you in the U.S. who know me and want more on faith, you’ll get it.

4 Comments on “Forgiveness is Key”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Donna! You did well to have an attitude of forgiveness. Like you said, Nobody set out to deliberately hurt you. And even if they did, well, these are the difficult things that still must be forgiven. I’m glad you’re able to take everything to the Lord in prayer.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Dorothy. It’s the only to live life. That’s why I addressed this issue here. I’ll be writing one faith post a week, and one writing post a week. But I’ve been given a couple of blog awards in the last day or so, so I’ll have to post those soon. Thanks again. 🙂


  3. Donna, You have the right attitude in this post. I completely agree. Just because we are hurt is not always a good reason to lash out at or make demands of the one or ones who did the hurting. That can make us look bad or feel even worse. And you are so right, as Christians, we are to strive to be Christlike, and Christ wants us to be forgiving. Good for you in making a wise decision! I know that’s not always easy to do, and forgiving when we are badly hurt is not always easy either, but it is what we are called to do. God bless you!


  4. Thanks Kelly. Would you mind if I nominated you for a couple of blog awards? (which means you win them). You put the badges on the side of your blog. You can see how I did it. 🙂


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