Happy BLOG Birthday—Part 1

Nearly five years ago, and next week we’ll celebrate more, I started this blog. I’d been blogging on another platform with other emphases. But I started this one after I closed my homemade organic chocolate truffle business in 2014. I’d been making chocolates for seven years. I was getting older and wanted a change. I decided to give writing one last push. #amwriting #BLOGbirthdayFeb172014 #fiveyears @donnalhsmith @a3writers

2014 was a pivotal year for me. I was gonna turn sixty, yes, sixty. Let’s put it this way, I wasn’t looking forward to it. My husband has always looked forward to milestone birthdays because that puts him in another runner’s category—being the youngest age in an age group, rather than the oldest.

For this week and next, I’ll be recounting and re-posting some of my earliest posts from this blog. Originally, I wanted to talk about “process.” How life is a process. That becoming a writer is a process, just as becoming published is.

Click here to see that first post.

You’ve seen my sorrows and my rejoicings on this blog—all about the process of getting my first novel published. #amwriting #BLOGbirthdayFeb172014 #fiveyears @donnalhsmith @a3writers

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We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; let your light shine through your cracked pot. Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in and comes out.

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