Delay, Delay, Delay, Part 1

Fog in the Blue Ridge Mountains

It seems as though my life has been made up of one delay after another — with the possible exception of my birth. I was small, only 5 lb., 8 oz. and had to be in an incubator for some days. I was released from the hospital when I was 13 days old. My first delay. This may be a two-part post, because there is a lot to try to explain.

I didn’t walk until after a year old because my left foot was the opposite of club foot, and rolled in. I had to wear a cast on it for a month or two—don’t remember how long—until it sufficiently straightened enough to walk on it. So, yet another delay.

My mom also told me I was late getting teeth. She was concerned and took me to the doctor. He said, “Your daughter would make history if she never developed teeth. Don’t worry!” They came in eventually. Same with my permanent teeth. When I was 12, the dentist pulled my baby eye teeth because he thought it was time they came out. They weren’t even lose! For all my junior high and high school pictures, and into college — I would either be serious for photos, or barely smile—never showing my teeth, because of the two huge gaps that lasted over six, yes 6 years! I noticed in college that one of my eye teeth was finally beginning to come in. I was probably close to 19. More delay.

I didn’t date in high school, and very little in college. Had one boyfriend when I was working in Topeka, KS at a radio station. He worked at a different station. He was nice, but I knew he wasn’t “the one.” My heart was not broken when we broke up, but I think may have missed him a little bit for a short while. I didn’t marry until I was 33. Yep, thirty-three years old. I waited. He was worth it. I have the absolute best husband for me in all the world!

I’m sure there were more delays, because there always are in life — I just don’t remember more. These are enough. Enough to see a sort of pattern. At that time, you decide how to handle delay. Check out this post from Oct 25, 2019, entitled How Do You Handle Delay? Link:

Next week: Part 2

1 Comments on “Delay, Delay, Delay, Part 1”

  1. Speaking of delay, my daughter Michelle just had her first baby at age 37! And her milk has been delayed coming in too! Baby Aubrey is 2.5 weeks old now and still no breast milk. Thank you for your blog posts. They are always so interesting!


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