Workshops On Writing

Jump Start or Improve Your Writing

Contact us to book a day of workshops in your area.


You can pick and choose from a number of workshops listed below. Others are listed on our Speaker page.

Previous Appearances

Saturday, May 5, 2018 from 10 a.m. — 2. p.m.

Calvary Temple, Oil City, PA

Book sales/signing after.

Lunch provided.

Registration Fee:

Adult: $35.00 until May 1st.
Clarion University Faculty or Student: $25 until May 1st.
Walk-ins welcome that day for $40. Clarion Students/Faculty Walk-ins: $30


Mining for Stories: Discovering Their Worth––Where can you get a unique story idea that hasn’t been done before? How can you know if a story idea is worth pursuing? In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use every resource available to you to find a unique angle for your story.

Plotting for Pantsers––People who write “organically” or by the seat of their pants are called “Pantsers.” Their stories evolve but are sometimes criticized for poor structure and not enough planning. This workshop will help everyone by giving tools for creating great stories without traditional plotting techniques.

Seamless Self-Editing–– Today’s publishing world has changed so much that would-be authors must have already polished their manuscripts. Editors look for any small thing to reject your book. Using proven proofreading and editing techniques from various sources, you’ll learn how to find your own mistakes before someone else does.


Stepping Out on Stage – Getting Started on Social Media— What does platform mean? How will you define your audience? Every writer needs a stage. Using the model of a four-part stage, learn why these four parts are important: blog, social media, education, and contacts.

Launching Your Writing Ministry—A three-part session that inspires and introduces all the basic types of writing you can begin today … from fiction to non-fiction, numerous types of articles, a great way to introduce writing to people at the beginning of their journey.



Book Sales and Signing after Workshops are over of Meghan’s Choice and Rose’s Redemption.

For More Information:



Email: or



Donna L.H. Smith is a published author and Managing Editor for Almost an Author, recently named a Top 100 Best Websites for Writers by both Writer’s Digest and The Write Life. She’s a native of Kansas, holds two degrees in mass communications. For more information about Donna, visit her About page on this website.


Refreshing Streams

Resources and Registrations

The Mickey Mindset

Celebrating the Art of Disney Storytelling

Live to Write - Write to Live

We live to write and write to live ... professional writers talk about the craft and business of writing

Kristen Lamb

Author, Blogger, Social Media Jedi

Joseph E Bird

Let's talk about reading, writing and the arts.

For a purpose

The blog site of Rick Wade


Where it is a good thing to be an outcast.


We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; let your light shine through your cracked pot. Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in and comes out.

loon watchman

stark raving sane.

Kelly F Barr

"A story without love is empty." -- Kelly F. Barr

Beautiful Life with Cancer

Discovering the Gift

Vonj Production

Bringing you love through spirit!

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Just a dad following God's path


A blog full of humorous and poignant observations.


easy reading is damn hard writing

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