M * A * S * H

Image Donna Smith mug shot

I don’t have a picture of MASH’s cast, but I do have a picture of me about that time. My hair was a dark copper red. As you can see, it’s not anymore. 🙂

Instead of a final, our professor asked us to write a script for an existing half-hour series. I chose MASH. I’d watched that show for quite while at that point. It was a favorite of my uncle Dwight’s. I had the characters down pat. The dialogue sparkled. I got an A++ for the first time in my life.

Looking back, it was an encouragement to me. I wish I could have been a Hollywood scriptwriter. But that didn’t work out. The question that became my life’s question was and is:

What else can I do? Meaning I find another way… What about you? What dreams have died? What new dreams are you dreaming?

In the Beginning…my Writing Journey


It would have to be when I got my first Five-year Diary. I was so bad, I hardly ever wrote in it. It was gift from someone, could have been Mom. I honestly don’t remember. Then, I bought a second Five-Year Diary, one that I liked the cover better. I wasn’t consistent and I never filled up even a whole year, although I came close once.

But I have to give credit where credit is definitely due. I didn’t take college-prep English, so as a college freshman, I needed individual attention. Mrs. Peggye Trickey gave it to me. She helped me sound like an adult in my writing instead of a child. Thanks Mrs. Trickey. The wife of the basketball coach even invited a few of her students to their house one time. I was one of the lucky ones. I’ll never forget it. And I’ll never forget her.

She set the stage for my Scriptwriting project. Instead of a final, our assignment was to write a script for a half-hour existing television series. In my post, I’ll talk about that.

Better with Time


Better with time…Coffee percolates. Wine ferments. People need process. This is a bud from my Royal Star magnolia tree in my front yard. It takes a while before it blooms.

It gives us time to change. God may have created the world in six 24-hour days, but He certainly took His time after that. Look how long it took for the Messiah to come.

The prophet Isaiah had so many visions of God’s chosen servant, and he lived 450 years before Jesus came. The children of Israel lived in Egypt and were slaves after Joseph for about 400 years.

What process are you in right now? My next post will talk about my writing process, and where I’m at.

A Rose by any Other Name


I love the fact that God allowed Adam to name everything on earth. He named this a rose. It was in full bloom at the time this picture was snapped. It didn’t get there overnight.

Writing is a journey. Nearly two years ago, I asked the Lord for a “novel” idea, and He brought to mind an obscure history lesson from my hometown in Kansas. The novel is drafted, but it isn’t quite ready for publication.

What I see a LOT these days is how quickly the printed word can spread. But is it excellently done? We wouldn’t expect God to skimp on His creation of this rose. Why should we try to shortcut or circumvent the process in our lives?

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A novel choice – a novel process


Meghan’s Choice is the novel I’m working on. Most people don’t understand that writing a novel and getting a book published is long process, one that most don’t have the patience for.

I don’t know if God’s “days” were 24 hours or 24,000 years. But God is interested in process. We’re interested in circumventing or shortcutting process.

Did God hurry His process to create the world, or these roses? I think not. So, let’s not be in a hurry. Enjoy the journey. Easier said than done, I know. I really do.

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We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; let your light shine through your cracked pot. Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in and comes out.

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