Extraordinary – What Makes It?

JoyWebster’s – 1) not according to the usual custom or regular plan; 2) going far beyond the ordinary degree, measure, limit, very unusual, exceptional, remarkable; 3) outside the regular staff, sent on a special errand, having special authority or responsibility.

I believe we are all created to be extraordinary. Some things came out of my mouth over the weekend. Has that ever happened to you? An idea or an inspiration hits you and the words that come out of your mouth surprise you?

I was thinking of two people when something like this came out: Even people who think they are ordinary can become extraordinary if they follow the call of God on their lives. Whether you’re a farmer or a movie star, you can be an extraordinary person.

It’s hard to do that sometimes. One friend’s marriage is ending, but God showed me how hard she had tried for years to keep it together. Another friend is graduating from high school, and it’s been a tough semester for her, yet there are still wonderful things about the year she’ll miss.

Aimee Semple McPherson

Aimee Semple McPherson

Aimee Semple McPherson was an extraordinary woman. She followed God’s call on her life, and it cost her a great deal. She lived in the early twentieth century, at a time when it was generally thought that woman’s place was in the home. At first, her husband allowed her to follow God’s lead, but when it became apparent that many people were coming to the Lord through Aimee’s ministry, she had to choose between God and her husband. What a horrible, difficult choice. But she chose God.

Joyce and Dave have a great marriage because unlike Aimee’s husband, Dave understands God’s call on his wife and he supports her totally. As a result, Joyce Meyer Ministries has a world-wide impact, and their marriage is intact. Their children are closely involved in the ministry-all because Dave recognized, acknowledged, and supported Joyce’s teaching gift. He knew she was meant to be extraordinary, and in doing so, made himself the same.

At any age, at any time, whether you’re a man or woman, you can become extraordinary. All you have to do is take one step toward God. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” All it takes is one step. God has a call, plans, and purposes for each of our lives. When we take a step closer to Him, He can help us.

I believe my friend whose marriage is falling apart has extraordinary things ahead of her. She’s already survived cancer–and wrote a book about it. I believe because she’s done everything she can, God will honor that and help her in the future. I am not a proponent for divorce. The Bible says God hates it. He hates it because of the hurt, the pain it causes, and the separation it causes. I think this is a type and shadow of when a person does not choose to follow Christ.

But I also know that God honors our efforts. He honored Aimee’s efforts and we have the Four-Square denomination because of it. I know He’s honored my friend’s efforts, because He showed me. He told me unequivocally that she “had bent over backwards” trying to save her marriage. If a spouse’s heart hardens, only God can soften it–if that spouse allows God to work in their life.

Every person on earth will stand before God on the Last Day. Some will go into everlasting judgment. Others will be welcomed into heaven with a “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your reward.”

Will you choose to be extraordinary? What challenge is before you today, that if you could conquer it, you believe it would set you on an extraordinary path? Leave a comment and let me know.

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